“Jacob Wainwright”
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Jacob Wainwright.

Jacob Wainright, now so well known from his bringing home the body of Dr. Livingstone, gives the following interesting account of himself:—
"I can remember when I was a little boy living in the country, near Kilwa, on the coast, and there came famine in my country ; I had no father, and some people took me and sold me for a slave, then I was taken to Zanzibar, and sold there again ; they put me into an Arab ship, and carried me away with many other slaves, men and women, and boys and girls. The Arabs were very cruel and unkind. But one day, near a place called Bussorah, in Persia, an English ship came and caught the Arab ship; we were all taken on board and carried to Bombay. Then I was seven or eight years old, and it was in 1859. Many of the children who were taken with me went to Nasik to the school there, and I went too. Mr. Price took care of us, and we were all taught in the school.
One day Mr. Price came and asked if six of us would go and join the Doctor. We remembered the Doctor,
for he had been at Nasik in 1865, and we all knew about the other Nasik boys who had gone with him then. So plenty of boys said they would go. Mr. Price chose six, and I was the leader of the party. We went to Bombay and saw Mr. Robertson, who put us into a ship for Zanzibar. But he told us first we must never leave our master, and if he were dead we must
find his grave and bring back his bones. When we were at Zanzibar Mr. Stanley came and said he had found Dr. Livingstone, so Lieut. Dawson said he would not go on shore. Mr. Stanley asked us to go to the Doctor with the men he was
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sending, and we went. We travelled for two months until we reached a place called
Unyanyambe ; there we found the Doctor, and went to the house where he was : we found him, and
soon afterwards we began to travel with him, and we travelled every day for nearly
nine months, until the Doctor
died ; then we said we must bring his body to Zanzibar, and so we made a bark coffin and covered it with tar, and then we began to travel
back again to the coast, and we marched from the middle of May, 1872, to February,
1873, when we reached Zanzibar.
Item Details
Author(s) & contributor(s): [Jacob Wainwright]
Date(s): 1 September 1874
Form & transmission history: Autobiographical narrative, as published in a British missionary periodical.
Original publication details: Wesleyan Juvenile Offering: A Miscellany of Missionary Info 93 (1 September 1874): 98-99
Digital edition & date: One More Voice, 2020
Critical editing & encoding: Heather F. Ball, Adrian S. Wisnicki
Cite this digital edition (MLA): [Wainwright, Jacob]. “‘Jacob Wainwright’” (1 September 1874). Heather F. Ball, Adrian S. Wisnicki, eds. One More Voice, site launch edition, 2020, https://onemorevoice.org/html/transcriptions/liv_020013_TEI.html.
Rights: Critically-edited text copyright One More Voice. Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International
Explore complete/original item: Nineteenth Century UK Periodicals, Part II: Empire
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