Letter to Louis-Alexis Chamerovzow

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C                         Ockham School
                                    April 23rd. 1853

Dear Sir

        I thank you for the very
interesting & instructive Address,
which you were kind enough to send
me.     I quite agree with you, that
if ^ it is closely adhered to, will do much
to remove the unrighteous & gallding
yoke, which is now crushing over three
millions of my unfortunate country men
in to a premature grave.

However, it is a great consolation
to know that God is just, & all
history proves, that He will not
suffer any class of tyrants to out
rage & brutify his helpless creatures,
& escape with impunity.

I also feel very greatful to
you for the Reporter, for I have
been more than interested in the
recent mumbers.

                        Yours very truly
                                        Wm Craft

Mr. Chamerovzow

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Item Details

Author(s) & contributor(s): William Craft

Date(s): 23 April 1853

Place(s) of creation: Ockham School

Form & transmission history: Manuscript letter in author’s hand.

Object description: Off-white four-page/one-sheet letter, two blank pages and discoloration; author's hand in brown ink.

Repository: Bodleian Library (Oxford, United Kingdom)

Shelfmark / Identifier: MSS. Brit. Emp. S. 18, C30/11

Digital edition & date: One More Voice, 2021

Critical editing & encoding: Hope McCaffrey, Lucy McCann, Adrian S. Wisnicki

Cite this digital edition (MLA): Craft, William. “Letter to Louis-Alexis Chamerovzow” (23 April 1853). Hope McCaffrey, Lucy McCann, Adrian S. Wisnicki, eds. One More Voice, new dawn edition, 2021, https://onemorevoice.org/html/transcriptions/liv_020070_TEI.html.

Rights: Critically-edited text copyright One More Voice. Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International

Accessibility: One More Voice digital facsimiles approximate the textual, structural, and material features of original documents. However, because such features may reduce accessibility, each facsimile allows users to toggle such features on and off as needed.

Production note: The editors produced this edition through a rigorous process that involved transcribing and encoding the text directly from images of the original document using the One More Voice coding guidelines (PDF). Users, however, are encouraged to consult the original document if possible.