Letter to Elizabeth Pease Nichol

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      The Railways & Metropolitan Omnibus Company Limited,
                                  18, Queen Victoria Street, E.C.
                                London, Decr. 223nd 1881

Mrs E.P. Nichols,

                            Kind Friend,

                                                  I wrote to you some little time ago
but of course I did not expect an answer as you informed
me that writing was considerable trouble to you. I am sure
I wish you many a "Merry happy Christmas" and a "Happy New Year" &
that God's blessings will be showered down upon you. I
think that the note I forwarded you promising to pay the
money you loaned me does not come due until Jany. 15th.
I have been compelled to pawn my overcoat since I wrote
you last but everything will be all right soon as I have
been promised an increase of salary at the beginning of
the New Year. If you have read the papers published here you
have doubtless noticed the advertisement of the Haverly
from America[.]   I think they will be in Glasgow
soon, they had quite a successful time of it here.

        If you could conveniently renew my note for three months
longer I think I shall be able to pay you all by the time
it has expired if not I shall do my best to let you have some by
the time thisthat ^ one falls due. I have lived very economically of late
and am striving to do the best I can on my 12p however
you can rest assured that I shall never bother you again
for any further sums.   I send you a small Christmas
Card. Hoping to hear from you & wishing you good
health.   I remain,

                                  Yours Faithfully,

                                                                W.I. Craft.

Item Details

Author(s) & contributor(s): William Ivens Craft

Date(s): 23 December 1881

Place(s) of creation: The Railways & Metropolitan Omnibus Company Limited, 18, Queen Victoria Street, E.C. London

Form & transmission history: Manuscript letter in author’s hand.

Object description: Beige two-page/one-sheet letter; ruled letterhead; author's hand in black ink with archival note.

Repository: Bodleian Library (Oxford, United Kingdom)

Shelfmark / Identifier: MSS. Brit. Emp. S. 18, C156/137

Digital edition & date: One More Voice, 2021

Critical editing & encoding: Hope McCaffrey, Lucy McCann, Adrian S. Wisnicki

Cite this digital edition (MLA): Craft, William Ivens. “Letter to Elizabeth Pease Nichol” (23 December 1881). Hope McCaffrey, Lucy McCann, Adrian S. Wisnicki, eds. One More Voice, new dawn edition, 2021, https://onemorevoice.org/html/transcriptions/liv_020089_TEI.html.

Rights: Critically-edited text copyright One More Voice. Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International

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Production note: The editors produced this edition through a rigorous process that involved transcribing and encoding the text directly from images of the original document using the One More Voice coding guidelines (PDF). Users, however, are encouraged to consult the original document if possible.