Inscribed Clogs Gifted to Herbert Ward
[original inscription (same text on each clog)]
قد أهديت هذا القبقاب لصاحبي
مشت واد دولة الإنجليز .
حامد بن محمد
[translation of inscription by Tayseer Abu Odeh for One More Voice]
I have presented these clogs to my friend.
These clogs were used by the servant of the British Government
Hamid Bin Muhammad.
Item Details
Creator(s): Tippu Tip
Date(s): c.1890
Place(s) of creation: Congo
Repository: Smithsonian Institution. National Museum of Natural History. Anthropology Department (Washington, D.C., United States)
Shelfmark / Identifier: E323366
Digital edition & date: One More Voice, 2021
Digital object curation: Adrian S. Wisnicki
Cite this digital edition (MLA): Tippu Tip. “Inscribed Clogs Gifted to Herbert Ward” (c.1890). One More Voice, new dawn edition, 2021,
Rights: Used by permission. E323366, Department of Anthropology, Smithsonian Institution.
Explore complete/original item: Smithsonian Institution. National Museum of Natural History. Anthropology Department, Washington, D.C.