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“Recovering the Histories of Land Treaties in East and Southern Africa”
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Selections from Victorian Folklore
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- Maori Lore: The Traditions of the Maori People, with the Most Important of Their Legends (1904) (PDF | Word)
- My Dark Companions and Their Strange Stories (1893) (PDF | Word)
- Old Deccan Days; Or, Hindu Fairy Legends, Current in South Asia (1868) (PDF | Word)
- Polynesian Mythology and Ancient Traditional History of the New Zealand Race, as Furnished by their Chiefs and Priests (1855) (PDF | Word)
- Specimens of Bushman Folklore (1911) (PDF | Word)
- Swahili Tales, As Told by Natives of Zanzibar, with an English Translation (1870) (PDF | Word)
- Bonus: Macie Parker, “‘How Kimyera Became King of Uganda’: The Story of the Young Hunter Who Grew up to Become King” (PDF | Word)
“BIPOC Voices in the Victorian Periodical Press”
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- Project Introduction
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- Periodical Pieces
- “Ascribing Pen-Personship Through Redolence of Self”
- “Editing, Education, and Imitation in Indian Missionary Conversion Accounts”
- “The Church Missionary Gleaner and the Multifaceted Portrayal of Colonial Christianity”
- “Representing Indigenous Perspectives on Missionary Education in Victorian Periodicals”
- “Manipulating Indian Voices in Victorian Missionary Periodicals”
- “African Representation in Protestant Missionary Periodicals”
- “Racialized “Authority” and “Civilization” in Victorian Missionary Periodicals”
- “Visiting the Regenstein Library, Chicago, August 2022”
- “Sources on African Representation in Protestant Missionary Periodicals”
- “Sources on British Victorian Missionary Work and Periodicals”
- Metadata and Documentation
- “Recommendations for Research on Racialized Voices in Colonial Archives” PDF | Word
- “Recommendations for Publishing BIPOC Voices in Victorian Missionary Periodicals” PDF | Word
- Corpus of BIPOC Voices in the Victorian Periodical Press (external site)
- Periodical Pieces (Individual Pieces)
- Anonymous; [South African Missionary Society]; Jan; Karolus. “South African Mission: Letter of a Bastard Hottentot | Letter of Another Bastard Hottentot.” 1802
- [John Philip]; Brownlee. “Caffres: Extract of a Letter From Mr. Brownlee, (Who Was Originally Sent Out by the London Missionary Society in 1816, but Who is Now a Missionary to the Caffres, Under the Direction of the Colonial Government) to Dr. Philip, Who Introduces It to the Secretary as Follows.” July 1822
- [John] Philip; Edward Edwards; Anonymous. “Africa: Character of Africaner.” December 1823
- Anonymous; John Owen's Reader; Henry Venn's Reader; George Burder's Reader. “Combooconum: Extracts From the Journals of Native Teachers, Employed in the Vicinity of Combooconum, From July to December; 1825 | From the Journal of John Owen's Reader | Journal of Henry Venn's Reader | Journal of George Burder's Reader.” August 1826
- Anonymous; William Clapham's Reader; William Cooper's Reader; Inverkeithing's Reader. “East Indies. Combooconum: Extracts From the Journals of Native Teachers, Employed in the Vicinity of Combooconum | From the Journal of William Clapham's Reader | From the Journal of William Cooper's Reader | Journal of the Inverkeithing's Reader.” September 1826
- Anonymous; Chenjee; Tooloosee; Lutchmee. “India. Native Female Education.” September 1849
- Anonymous; Reweti Maika; David Taiwanga. “New Zealand.” April 1850
- Anoymous; Poonapun; Authautchee. “India. Bellary: The Autobiography of Poonapun, a Heathen, Baptized on February 17, 1850, by the Name of Nathaniel | Autobiography of Authautchee, (Wife of Nathaniel,) Baptized on February 17, 1850.” November 1850
- Anonymous; Adam Kok; Willem Uithaalder. “The Hottentot Rebellion: Letter From Adam Kok to Major Warden | Letter From Uithaalder to Adam Kok | Reply of Adam Kok.” December 1851
- Anonymous; R. Taylor; Tamehana Te Rauparaha; Matini Wiwi. “New-Zealand Chiefs in Committee Drawing Up a Reply to the Society's Jubilee Letter.” April 1851
- Anonymous; Anonymous. “The Amazons: The Amazons Summon Gezo to the War | Gezo's Answer | The War Song of the Amazons | Abbeokuta's Resolution | The Native Christian's Prayer.” May 1851
- Anonymous; Narain Rao. “A Converted Brahmin's Account of Himself.” May 1851
- Anonymous; W. Colenso; Anonymous. “Karepa, of Te Hawera.” August 1851
- Anonymous; Thomas King. “Stedfast Faith—Mark X. 29, 30.” September 1851
- Anonymous; John Dennis Blonde. “The Outcast from China Brought Safely Home.” October 1851
- Anonymous; [W. Clarkson]; Gungaram. “The Hindus.” April 1852
- Anoynymous; Anonymous. “Indian Snake-Catcher.” March 1852
- Philip Chunder Doss; Elijah Mudul; Nudia Chund Doss; Boistom Doss; Abraham Buxy; Gonesh Chundroo; Boycontoo Chundro; Thomas Christian; William Buckey; Timothy Christian. “Letter to the Committee from the Bereaved Flock of the Rev. J.J. Weitbrecht.” June 1852
- Anonymous; Tamahana Te Rauparaha. “Tamahana Te Rauparaha.” September 1852
- Anonymous; Yonan. “Adult Sunday-Schools Among the Nestorians.” October 1852
- Anonymous; Trudo Audato. “The Dahomians.” October 1852
- Anonymous; Tamahana Te Rauparaha. “Tamahana Te Rauparaha.” October 1852
- Anonymous; Tamahana Te Rauparaha. “Tamahana Te Rauparaha.” November 1852
- Anonymous; Tamahana Te Rauparaha. “Tamahana Te Rauparaha.” December 1852
- Selim Aga. “Africa Considered in its Social and Political Condition [...]: Africa Considered in Its Social and Political Condition With a Plan for the Amelioration of Its Inhabitants.” May 1853
- Anonymous; John Huki. “The Native Institution at Waikato Heads, New Zealand.” June 1853
- Anonymous; John Devasagayam. “Obituary of Arokkia Nadan.” July 1853
- Anonymous; Jagadishwar Bhattachargya. “Trials of Converts in India.” September 1853
- Anonymous; T[homas] King. “Destructive Fire at Abbeokuta.” November 1853
- Anonymous; James White; C.A. Gollmer. “"What Have I to Do Any More with Idols?".” June 1854
- Anonymous; S[amuel] Crowther, jun.. “Confessions of an Idolater.” July 1854
- Anonymous; Abdool Meseeh. “Abdool Meseeh's Hymn.” March 1856
- Anonymous; Sadaraka. “South Seas.—Mangaia.” January 1870
- Anonymous; [W.J. Davis]; James Lewana. “Graham's Town District.” September 1872
- Anonymous; Charles Pamla; Boyce Mama. “South Africa. Graham's Town District: Extracts From Letters of the Rev. Charles Pamla, to the Rev. Robert Lamplough, Graham's Town, Dated May and July, 1872 | Letter From Rev. Charles Pamla to Rev. W. B. Boyce, Dated Fernley, Tsomo, July 26th, 1872.” November 1872
- Anonymous; Imaduddin. “The Rev. Imadudden, of Umritsur.” March 1874
- A. E. Moule; Dziao. “Praying for Rain in China: Plain Directions as to Prayer for Rain.” April 1874
- [M.E.J.]; Henry Budd. “Day-Spring in the Far West. Sketches of Mission Work in British North America: Extension of the Mission Westward.” April 1874
- Selim Aga. “My Parentage and Early Career as a Slave.” May 1874
- Sargent; Anonymous. “The False and the True Vasanta Rayar. A Narrative of Religious Excitement in Southern India Ten Years Ago: Proclamation of Vasanta Rayar. Truth Victorious. Glorious News of the True Vasanta Rayar.” May 1874
- Anonymous; F.J. de Rozario. “Gleanings from Recent Letters. Preaching on a Tricycle.” June 1874
- Anonymous; Daniel Olubi. “Gleanings from Recent Letters. Baptism and Death of an Aged Yoruba Woman.” July 1874
- Anonymous; Matiu Taupaki. “Gleanings from Recent Letters. Letter from a Maori Clergyman.” August 1874
- Anonymous; [John Cain]; A.S.. “A Hindu's Narrative of His Own Conversion.” September 1874
- Anonymous; [L. Nicholson]; Nathaniel Henry Boston. “Henry Boston, African Native Pastor: A Brief Sketch of the Life and Death of the Late Rev. Henry Boston, First Native Minister of the Bullom Mission.” November 1874
- [M.E.J.]; Henry Budd. “Day-Spring in the Far West. Sketches of Mission Work in British North America: Results of the Work.” November 1874
- Anonymous; Anonymous. “The Missionary Bee-Hive.” November 1874
- Anonymous; Jacob Walker. “Jamaica—The Native Pastorate.” December 1874
- Anonymous; Nathaniel M. Bull. “The "Gleaner" in the Timneh Country.” December 1874
- Anonymous; Henry Johnson. “A Negro Clergyman at Nazareth.” December 1874
- Anonymous; James White; Anonymous Yoruba Market Women. “Gleanings from Recent Letters. A Conversation with Yoruba Market Women.” January 1875
- Anonymous; Ranavolmanjaka; Rainilaiarivony. “Rearrangements of the Madagascar Mission: Royal Proclamation on Slavery.” February 1875
- Anonymous; G. Krishnayya. “Gleanings from Recent Letters. A Hindu Clergyman and his Heathen Father.” February 1875
- Anonymous; [Vaughan]; Anonymous. “"Not Far From the Kingdom of God".” February 1875
- Anonymous; Abdul Messeeh. “The First Native Clergyman in India.” March 1875
- Anonymous; Daniel Olubi. “Gleanings from Recent Letters. The Gospel Preached by a Captive Yoruba Girl.” March 1875
- Anonymous; Samuel Johnson; Samuel Cole; T.B. Wright; Samuel Pearce; D. Williams. “Sick and Dying Christians in Yoruba.” April 1875
- Anonymous; D. Williams. “Gleanings from Recent Letters. How Collections are Made at Abeokuta.” April 1875
- Richard F. Burton; Selim Aga. “A Trip Up the Congo or Zaire River.” 1 July 1875
- Anonymous; Nee Sima. “Japan: Letter From a Native Missionary.” January 1876
- J.M. Dwane. “South Africa: Graham's Town District.—extract of a Letter From the Rev. J. M. Dwane, Dated Port Elizabeth, February 5th, 1877.” May 1877
- Anonymous; Ranavolmanjaka. “Madagascar: The Queen's Proclamation.” October 1877
- Anonymous; Diphukwe. “Central South Africa: Diphukwe's Address.” February 1878
- Anonymous; Robert N. Mashaba. “A Letter from Robert Mashaba.” January 1904
Recovered Texts
- [Main Page]
- Selim Aga
- Incidents Connected with the Life of Selim Aga. 1846
- “The Niger Expedition.” 24 June 1858; 25 September 1858
- “Original Correspondence: West Africa.” 16 November 1863; 1 February 1864
- Mohammed Bogharib
- Andries Botha
- Letter to [Harry Smith]. 23 June 1850
- Ellen Craft
- Letter to [Unknown]. 18 March 1863
- Letter to Elizabeth Pease Nichol. 18 March 1863
- Letter to [?] Phillips. 29 October 1868
- William Craft
- Letter to Louis-Alexis Chamerovzow. 23 April 1853
- Letter to the Committee of The National Freedmen's Aid Union. 5 December 1867
- Letter to T. Phillips. 31 March 1882
- William Ivens Craft
- Letter to Frederick William Chesson. 16 August 1881
- Letter to [Frederick William Chesson?]. 25 August 1881
- [Frederick William Chesson, Letter to (William Ivens Craft?). 27 August 1881]
- Letter to Elizabeth Pease Nichol. 29 August 1881
- Letter to Frederick William Chesson. 5 September 1881
- Letter to Frederick William Chesson. 6 September 1881
- Letter to Frederick William Chesson. 6 September 1881
- Letter to Frederick William Chesson. 6 September 1881
- Letter to Frederick William Chesson. 9 September 1881
- Letter to Frederick William Chesson. 23 December 1881
- Letter to Elizabeth Pease Nichol. 23 December 1881
- Letter to Elizabeth Pease Nichol. 24 April 1882
- Letter to Frederick William Chesson. 3 May 1882
- Letter to Elizabeth Pease Nichol. 3 May 1882
- [Robert Nicholas Fowler, Letter to William Ivens Craft. 11 August 1882]
- Letter to Frederick William Chesson. 12 August 1882
- [Elizabeth Pease Nichol, Letter to Frederick William Chesson. 31 August (1881?)]
- James Chumah
- “To the Editor of the Times.” 9 April 1874; [1874]; [1874]
- Samuel Ajayi Crowther
- Letter to Henry Venn. 27 February 1867
- J.R. Dewring
- Letter to Samuel Ajayi Crowther. 4 December 1866
- Frederick Douglass
- Letter to John Scoble. 9 May 1846
- Letter to Catherine Impey. 9 July 1888
- Caras Farrar
- “The History of Caras Farrar of Finding Dr Livingstone, in Central Africa.” 9 September 1874
- Apolo Kagwa
- Semane Setlhoko Khama
- Letter to A.M. Chirgwin. 5 December 1934
- Philip Cohen Labatt
- Lief Ben Saeid; Thomas Wogga
- “Notes on African Geography. 1845”
- Majwara
- “Majwara's Account of the Last Journey and Death of Dr. Livingstone.” 12 March 1874; 13 April 1874
- Menelik II
- Moshoeshoe I; Nehemiah Sekhonyana Moshoeshoe
- “The Caffre War.” [1852]; [1852]; 20 December 1852; 21 December 1852; 2 December 1852; 28 February 1853
- “The General and the Caffre Chief.” 13 December 1852; 20 December 1852; 21 December 1852; 1 March 1853
- “The Cape of Good Hope.” 5 October 1855; 22 January 1856
- Ncwadi
- “Gleanings and Glances” (Excerpt); “Letter from an African Chief.” 12 June 1893; 1 June 1894
- Ranavalona II
- “The Late Mr. James Cameron of Madagascar” (Excerpt). 1875; 1 March 1876
- James Read, Jr.
- “Kat River Mission, South Africa.” 9 October 1838; 1 April 1839
- Letter to J.J. Freeman. 23 May 1850
- Said Bin Habib
- “Narrative of Said Bin Habeeb, An Arab Inhabitant of Zanzibar.” 31 May 1860
- Lists of Headmen in Manyema and Urundi (Excerpts from David Livingstone's Notebook, [March 1866-March 1870]). 4 July 1869; [c.1869]
- Central African Geographical Data (Excerpt from David Livingstone's Annotations on Map from John H. Speke, Journal of the Discovery of the Source of the Nile [1863]). [c.1869]
- Saleh Bin Osman
- Testimony. 12 November 1890
- “The Story of My Life.” August 1891
- Sechele I
- Letter to Robert Moffat 1. [October 1852]
- Statement and Attestations. 7 May 1853; 11 May 1853; “Statement of Sechele, Paramount Chief of the Bakwaina.” 30 April 1853; 21 April 1853; “The Attack on Sechele.” 1 December 1852
- Letter to the London Missionary Society. [1852-1853]
- Letter to Robert Moffat 1. 31 October 1865
- NoSuthu Soga Jotelo
- “Nosutu, the Mother of Soga” (Excerpt). October 1873; 2 March 1874
- Tiyo Soga
- “Jubilee of the Venerable Patriarch Brownlee.” 17 January 1867; 14 February 1867
- Andries Stoffels
- “Minutes of Evidence” (Excerpt). 27 June 1836; 5 August 1836
- “Special General Meeting of the London Missionary Society” (Excerpt). 10 August 1836; September 1836
- Tippu Tip
- “Tippoo Tib.” 30 March 1887; 17 May 1887
- Jan Tzatzoe
- “Special General Meeting of the London Missionary Society (excerpt).” 10 August 1836; September 1836
- “Appeal on Behalf of the Hottentots.” July 1837; 24 November 1837; 1 January 1838
- Letter to Directors of the London Missionary Society. 1 September 1838
- Letter to Directors of the London Missionary Society. 8 October 1845
- Jacob Wainwright
- Addition to David Livingstone's Field Diary XVII. 28 April 1873
- Extract from Diary. May-June 1873
- Inscription on the Tree at the Foot of which David Livingstone's Heart was Buried. 4 May 1873
- Letter to William O. Livingstone. October 1873
- Extract from Diary. [November 1873-February 1874]
- Letter to Joseph Moore. 23 May 1874
- Letter to Joseph Moore. 10 July 1874
- “Jacob Wainwright.” 1 September 1874
- Letter to [Horace Waller?]. 15 September 1875
- Letter to William Salter Price. 2 May 1876
- Bye Weah
- “The Liberian War. To the Editor of the Times.” 7 March 1876
- Unnamed Central African Informants
- Unnamed Congo Free State Informants
- “Notes on Refugee Tribes Encountered in July 1903.” [1903]; 1904
- “Statement in Regard to the Condition of the Natives in Lake Mantumba Region During the Period of the Rubber Wars Which Began in 1893.” [1903]; 1904
- “Notes in the Case of V V, a Native of L L* in the Mantumba District, both of whose Hands Have Been Hacked or Beaten Off, and with Reference to Other Similar Cases of Mutilation in that District.” [1903]; 1904
- “Note of Information Taken in the Charge of Cutting Off the Boy I I’s Hand, Preferred to Mr. Casement by the People of E*.” [1903]; 1904
Visual Materials
- [Main Page]
- African World. “Dr. Edward Wilmot Blyden; A Former Secretary of State and Diplomatic Envoy of Liberia: Born in St. Thomas.” 1910.
- Allgurén, Sven Edvard. “Tippu Tip and Eugene Wolf.” 1894.
- Anonymous. Abdullah Susi and James Chuma's Model of the Hut in which David Livingstone Died. [Late nineteenth or twentieth century].
- Anonymous. Abdullah Susi (Mislabeled Jacob Wainwright). [c.1874].
- Alexander Bassano. Apolo Kagwa. 1902.
- Anonymous. “Apolo Kagwa, Katikiro of Uganda, and His Son”; “Ham Mukasa, with Father, Wife, and Children.” [Early twentieth century], [early twentieth century].
- Anonymous. “Aru and Toru Dutt.” 1921.
- Anonymous. Claude McKay. [c.1912-c.1920].
- Anonymous. Claude McKay. 1923.
- Anonymous. Dhan Gopal Mukerji. [Early twentieth century].
- Anonymous. “Emancipation Oak at Holwood Park, with Group of Missionaries [Including Samuel Ajayi Crowther, Center].” 1873.
- Anonymous. E. Pauline Johnson. [Late nineteenth century].
- Anonymous. E. Pauline Johnson. [Early twentieth century].
- Anonymous. E. Pauline Johnson. [Early twentieth century].
- Anonymous. E. Pauline Johnson. 1904.
- Anonymous. E. Pauline Johnson (with Facsimile Signature). [Early twentieth century].
- Anonymous. E. Pauline Johnson (with Facsimile Signature). [Early twentieth century].
- Anonymous. “Edith Maude Eaton.” [Late nineteenth/early twentieth century].
- Anonymous. Edward Wilmot Blyden. 1894.
- Anonymous. Edward Wilmot Blyden. [Late nineteenth or early twentieth century].
- Anonymous. Jan Tzatzoe (Tshatshu). [Late nineteenth century].
- Anonymous. James Read, Jr. [Nineteenth century].
- Anonymous. “King Moshoeshoe of the Basotho with His Ministers.” [Late nineteenth century].
- Anonymous. “King Moshoeshoe or Moshesh of the Basotho People of Lesotho.” [Late nineteenth century].
- Anonymous. Matthew Wellington. [1874 or later].
- Anonymous. Matthew Wellington. [1874 or later].
- Anonymous. “Menelik II.” [Late nineteenth/early twentieth century].
- Anonymous. Onoto Watanna. [c.1907-c.1910].
- Anonymous. Onoto Watanna on Heart of Hyacinth Book Cover. 1903.
- Anonymous. Pandita Ramabai Sarasvati. [Late nineteenth century].
- Anonymous. Pandita Ramabai Sarasvati. 1898.
- Anonymous. Rabindranath Tagore. [c.1916].
- Anonymous. Rabindranath Tagore. [c.1917].
- Anonymous. “Ranavalona II.” [Before 1883].
- Anonymous. “Ranavalona II with Three Children.” [Before 1883].
- Anonymous. “Ranavalona II with Two Children.” [Before 1883].
- Anonymous. Samuel Ajayi Crowther. 1880s.
- Anonymous. Sarojini Naidu (with Facsimile Signature). [Early twentieth century].
- Anonymous. Sechele I. [Second half of nineteenth century].
- Anonymous. Sechele I. [Second half of nineteenth century].
- Anonymous. Semane Khama and Children, Khama III’s Jubilee. 1911.
- Anonymous. Semane Khama, and Semane Khama and Schoolchildren (Collage Created by the London Missionary Society Editorial Office). [Early twentieth century].
- Anonymous. Swami Vivekanada. [c.1893].
- Anonymous. Tausé Soga and Her Family. 1894.
- Anonymous. “Tippo-Tip, Vali des Falls [Governor of the Falls].” [c.1890]; 1892.
- Anonymous. Tiyo Soga (with Facsimile Signature). [Late nineteenth century].
- Anonymous. Toru, Abju, and Aru Dutt. 1921.
- Anonymous. Toru Dutt. 1921.
- Anonymous. “Tshekedi [Khama] with the Small Chief for Whom He Acts as Regent [Seretse Khama] & Tshekedi’s Mother [Semane Khama].]” [Early twentieth century].
- Anonymous. Wilmot Edward Blyden. [Mid-ninteenth century].
- Anonymous. Wilmot Edward Blyden. [Mid- to late-ninteenth century].
- Anonymous. Wilmot Edward Blyden. [Mid- to late-ninteenth century].
- Anonymous. Yoshio Markino (with Facsimile Signature) . 1912.
- Anonymous, and Anonymous. Onoto Watanna; Illustration of Numè, Koto, and Matsu. [Late nineteenth century]; 1899
- Anonymous, and Onoto Watanna. Onoto Watanna. [Early twentieth century].
- Anonymous Hausa Artist. Malfa [Straw Hat] (Collected by Selim Aga). Ilorin, Kwara State, Nigeria, Before 1860.
- Anonymous Hausa Artist. Tabarme [Country Mat] (Collected by Selim Aga). Nigeria, Before 1860.
- Anonymous Hausa Artist. Tabarme [Country Mat] (Collected by Selim Aga). Nigeria, Before 1860.
- Anonymous Nupe Artist. Habega [Country Robe] (Collected by Selim Aga). Bida, Northern Nigeria, Before 1860.
- Anonymous Nupe Artist. K’warya [Circular Calabash] (Collected by Selim Aga). Northern Nigeria, Before 1860.
- Anonymous Yoruba Artist. Mask for Egungun (Ere Egungun). [Late nineteenth century].
- Rufus Anson. Edward Wilmot Blyden. Between 1851 and 1860.
- Bain News Service. “Claude McRay [i.e. McKay] and Baroness v. Freytag [i.e. Von Freytag-Loringhoven].” [Before 1928].
- Bain News Service. Rabindranath Tagore. 21 November 1916.
- Bain News Service. Rabindranath Tagore and Others. [c.1915-c.1920].
- Bain News Service. Rabindranath Tagore and Others. May 1916.
- Bain News Service. “Tagore in Tokyo.” May 1916.
- Henry Walter Barnett. Cornelia Sorabji (with Superimposed Facsimile Signature). [Late nineteenth or early twentieth century].
- Alexander Bassano. Ham Mukasa and Apolo Kagwa. [Early twentieth century].
- Bon Ale/Bin Aleī/Bon Ārie, and David Livingstone. Extract from David Livingstone's Field Diary III with Addition by Bon Ale/Bin Aleī/Bon Ārie. 19-20 May 1866.
- Coutinho Brothers. Tippu Tip. 1890.
- Alexandre Delcommune. “‘Tippo-Tip and et Son Copain Buéna-N’zigué.’” 1889.
- E.C. Dias. “Tippu Tip.” c.1890.
- Djilatendo. “L’Église.” [c.1930].
- Djilatendo. “Les Animaux.” [c.1930].
- Toru Dutt. “ Facsimile of Toru’s Bengali Letter.” 1921
- Toru Dutt. “ Facsimile of Toru’s Last English Letter [Letter to Mary E.R. Martin. 30 July 1877].” 1921
- Toru Dutt. “ From an Original MS ["The Cedars of Lebanon." 1 November 1876].” 1921
- Ernest Edwards. Samuel Ajayi Crowther. 1864.
- Ernest Edwards. Samuel Ajayi Crowther. 1864.
- Ernest Edwards. Samuel Ajayi Crowther. 1864.
- Elliott & Fry. Jacob Wainwright. [1874]
- Elliott & Fry. Jacob Wainwright. [1874].
- Elliott & Fry. Jacob Wainwright. [1874].
- Elliott & Fry. Jacob Wainwright with David Livingstone’s Coffin. 1874.
- [?] Gilbert. Tshekedi and Semane Khama. [Early twentieth century].
- Henry Charles Goodyear. “David [Abdullah] Susi, Servant to Dr. Livingstone.” [24 August 1886].
- Henry Charles Goodyear. “H.C.G., Gill, Susi, Feragi.” [24 August 1886].
- Henry Charles Goodyear. “The Industrial House.” [Late nineteenth century].
- Jonathan Adagogo Green. Interior with a Seated Man (Possibly an Agent for Elder Dempster, Possibly James Howie). [c.1892].
- Jonathan Adagogo Green. Market Scene. [c.1900].
- Jonathan Adagogo Green. Professional Wetstamp (Verso of Loose Print). [c.1895].
- Jonathan Adagogo Green. Railway Bridge, Imo River, near Port Harcourt. [c.1900].
- Frederick Gutekunst. Pandita Ramabai Sarasvati (with Facsimile Signature). [Late nineteenth century].
- Neville Jones. Semane Khama. [Early twentieth century].
- E. Pauline Johnson. “And He Said ‘Fight On’” (facsimile of manuscript). [Early twentieth century].
- John Kirk. “Tippu Tip.” [Late nineteenth century].
- David Livingstone, and Unknown Arab and African Informants. Excerpt from David Livingstone’s Notebook with Swahili Vocabulary List and Arabic Numbers. [Between March 1866 and March 1870].
- Yoshio Markino. Yone Noguchi. 1915.
- Maull & Co. James Chuma. [1874?].
- Maull & Co. James Chuma and Abdullah Susi. [1874?].
- Maull & Co. James Chuma and Abdullah Susi. [1874?].
- Maull & Co. James Chuma and Abdullah Susi. [1874?].
- Samuel J. Miller. Frederick Douglass. [c.1847-c.1852].
- Robert Nooter. “Children in Front of Tippu Tip’s House.” 1981.
- J. Paul. “Pandita Ramabai & Her Gifted Daughter Manoramabai”. [Early twentieth century].
- Solomon T. Plaatje, Wakefield, and D. Taylor. Page Inscribed to Kelly Miller; Solomon T. Plaatje, Signed; Elizabeth Lilith M’belle (“Mrs. S.T. Plaatje”). 16 November 1921; [early twentieth century]; [early twentieth century].
- Walter Saltley Price, and Jacob Wainwright. Signatures. 1875[?], 1874.
- R. Allen & Son, Photos. “‘Agnes and Thomas Livingstone (Daughter and Son of David Livingstone), Abdullah Susi, James Chuma, and Rev. Horace Waller at Newstead Abbey, Nottingham, Discussing the Journals, Maps, and Plans Made by the Late David Livingstone.’” 1874.
- R. Allen & Son, Photos. James Chuma, Abudullah Susi, Agnes Livingstone, William Webb, Oswald Livingstone, Horace Waller, and Emilia Jane Webb with Lion Skin. 1874.
- R. Allen & Son, Photos. James Chuma and Abdullah Susi Beside Notebooks, Maps, and Other Personal Effects of David Livingstone. 1874.
- Ranavalona II. Address to the Directors of the London Missionary Society. 1874
- [Sayed Salehe?]. Letter to Charles Smythies. [c.1885-87].
- Shaka kaSenzangakhona, and Francis George Farewell. “Autograph of Shaka.” 10 September 1828.
- Tippu Tip. Inscribed Clogs Gifted to Herbert Ward. c.1890.
- Jacob Wainwright. Addition to David Livingstone's Field Diary XVII. 28 April 1873.
- Jacob Wainwright and H. Wright. “Speech at Lenton Church Missionary Society Meeting.” 17 June 1874.
- Samuel Alexander Walker. Samuel Ajayi Crowther. 1888.
- Samuel Alexander Walker. Samuel Ajayi Crowther. March 1890.
- Herbert Ward. “Tippu Tib and His Associates.” [Late nineteenth/early twentieth century].
- Onoto Watanna. Page Inscribed to Lea W. Lindolph. 17 June 1899.
- White, Sydney Victor. Samuel Ajayi Crowther and Dandeson Crowther. 1870.
- Wisnicki, Adrian S. Rabindranath Tagore's House (1912). 12 June 2022.
- Wm. Fergusson & Co. Jacob Wainwright with David Livingstone’s Coffin and Some of Livingstone’s Travelling Trunks on Board the Ship ‘Malwa.’ 1874.
- A.J. Wookey. Kgosi Sechele and MmaKgari. [Late nineteenth century].
- Book-Length Works
- Motion Pictures
Thematic Initiatives
- [Main Page]
- Corpus of Africa-Centered Literary Works, 1830-1930 (external site)
Critical Essays
- [Main Page]
- Essays from “BIPOC Voices in the Victorian Periodical Press”. 2022-23
- “Introduction to Andries Stoffels.” 2022
- “The 1902 Addis Ababa Treaties and the Ardhi Initiative.” 2021
- “Frederick Douglass and His British Allies.” 2021
- “Frederick Douglass Beyond the United States – Transatlantic Activism and Correspondence.” 2021
- Introduction to Philip Cohen Labatt. 2021
- “NoSuthu Sends Thanks – Reading Voice in A Letter.” 2021
- “Sechele and the Record of Intercultural Encounter.” 2021
- Introduction to Jan Tzatzoe. 2021
- Introduction to Andries Botha. 2020
- Introduction to James Read, Jr.. 2020
- Bibliography
- Site Map
- Site Sections
External Sites